You are in need of a plan specially designed for you and your child + you would like my daily support and guidance as questions arise. This package includes:
• Intake form analysis
• One 1-hour phone consultation
• Customized sleep plan
• Coaching and support via email for 2 weeks
• Two 30-minute phone calls
• Daily sleep log analysis
• Wrap up email with sleep tips to help you stay on track.
You have questions about sleep schedules, nap transitions, sleep training methods, or other sleep-specific topics. This package includes:
• Intake form analysis
• One 45-minute phone call
• Email summary of discussion
This package does not include a customized sleep plan or follow-up support.
You have a newborn (or are expecting) and you want to know all about how to set up a great sleep foundation for baby. This package includes:
• One 60-90 minute phone call or Zoom
• One email check-in
This package does not include a customized sleep plan or email recap.